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Thoracic Surgery 胸外科

Our specialized area of expertise is thoracoscopic surgery (VATS), with a good name for lung segmentectomy and lobectomy.

There are five lung lobes, three on the right and two on the left. The standard method for treatment of lung cancer is lobectomy. However, with the increasing number of small-sized lung cancer, removing a large lobe is considered excessive in the case of a small lung tumor. With this point of view, partial resection may be a choice when the cancer is located near the surface of the lung. However, segmentectomy is the choice if it goes deep into the lungs.

The 5 lung lobes are further divided into 18 areas, and segmentectomy is the removal of these areas. This procedure had been usually difficult due to the complex involvement of vessels and bronchi, and an open chest approach had been chosen. The report of thoracoscopic segmentectomy was limited to only simple procedures. We pioneered the complex lung segmentectomy using an endoscope (thoracoscope) using 3D reconstruction of computed tomography (CT) to plan the operation and enabled even the most difficult operation via thoracoscopy.

Furthermore, each segment is divided into two or three sub-segments. Therefore, the lungs are divided into 42 subsegments. With further unique developments, we now adequately combine this subsegmental resection according to every patient's anatomy, so-called tailor-made surgery. So far, we've experienced more than 600 VATS segmentectomies at the previous hospital, and pioneering the new methods in this hospital. We had been invited to live surgeries, lectures, and so on in not only Asian but also European and North American countries as a pioneer in this field.

VATS is usually performed under general anesthesia by making a hole (port) between the ribs. In a multiple port approach, one 2 cm and two or three 5 mm ports are placed. We mainly use the single port approach at this hospital, and only one 3- to 4-cm hole is used. The merit of this approach is less pain. However, the quality of the inside maneuver is important, and complex surgeries may be difficult to perform via a single port. Adding a few thin 5-mm port may not cause a difference from the single port, so we discuss with the patient the best way to use both approaches according to individual anatomy.

So far, every patient who received an operation at the hospital has been discharged in good health. The chest tube was removed on the day of operation or the first postoperative day in 75% of thoracoscopically operated patients. The patient can drink, eat and walk on the evening of the day of surgery.

We'll be pleased if you choose our precise and accurate thoracoscopic lung operations.








Social Medical Corporation, the Yamatokai Foundation. Copyright © Social Medical Corporation, the Yamatokai Foundation. All rights reserved.